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Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of internet marketing which increases the visibility in search engine result pages. As a Search Engine Marketing Company in Trivandrum, iDynamics focuses on both paid for advertising and optimization efforts to achieve high visibility of a website for the given keywords.

SEM brings you targeted traffic immediately to your website. Although organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is much more capable in the long run, Pay Per Click (PPC) can also generate new interest in and traffic to your website. Pay Per Click is the phrase used to describe on-line marketing using Google Adwords and is good for yielding more predictable results in the short term.

Whilst Pay Per Click involves paying additional fees to search engines, it remains highly cost-effective by comparison with other means of marketing promotion and communication such as media advertisements, billboards, TV/radio, newspapers, etc. Search engine marketing is relatively inexpensive – even a modest SEM budget can help reach a potentially wide range of audiences.

Sponsored links and optimized organic search work well together to help you achieve better corporate visibility, superior brand awareness and increased lead generation – iDynamics can show you how.

SEM services are:

  • PPC
  • Google Adwords
  • Yahoo Search Marketing